HK GRAB BAG         1:10 HUMMER® HX™ Concept R/C!!!

So here it is, Monday, and the HK Grab Bag/Box thinga-ma-jiggy comes in. We are excited! What will arrive today? DiMex is so excited he is praying…

What is it? Hurry the suspense is killing us…

and it’s….

Fresh Metal samples…Cool, but not what we were expecting.

DiMex is obviously frustrated…Come on HK! Something New!

and it’s…Fresh Metal 1:18 Bikes! Still Cool, but we were hoping for something a little more.

But this…wait this one is big.

in all it’s bubble wrapped glory…

Geez, hurry up already Chris! Tear that sucker open!

Yes, the 1:10 HUMMER® HX™ Concept R/C Handsample!!! This is pre-production baby! You are getting a first glimpse of what will soon be hitting stores everywhere!

Isn’t it beautiful?

Yes…yes it is. Christian’s prayer worked…and now we don’t have to sacrifice him to the toy gods!

Till next time! Hope you enjoyed the sneak peeks!

3 thoughts on “HK GRAB BAG         1:10 HUMMER® HX™ Concept R/C!!!

  1. AWESOME! That Hummer is going to be HOT. It’s HUGE. BTW…are those tubes of ‘Matchbox’ cars in the background…LOL.

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